Happy valentine’s!

Written by: Honeysenpai – Article writer, edited by: guffyluca136 & Misch111

While you guys spend your Valentine’s day soon with your partners or however you spend it, I’ll be home watching romance movies with ice cream ;-; Soon were supposed to be getting a new Valentine’s room…??

Thanks to Ciel12 & !Kenzie__ & ::.Crystal.:: for creating in and putting hard work into it!

Another special thank you to Kenzie for letting me have a sneak peak, luckily I’m able to show you a little something

This is all i can share until the start of the Valentine’s Event


A big thankyou to all the contributors who worked hard for this event!


Interpol’s got talent?

Written by: Honeysenpai – Article writer, edited by: guffyluca136 & Misch111

Everyone has a talent and our Int members have talent to, putting hard work into or base isn’t the only thing they’re good at. Some have secret talents and hid that side of themselves in the dark… ;-;

I recommend having a Talent Show! We could make a group chat or voice chat on discord or on another chatting base. I also nominate my dear lovely friend Loggingin2day to be apart of that event if it ever happens 😀 She has a lovely voice that I think you all would love!

Writing is another talent! Like what i do write articles! And a fact about me is that I like to write poetry and songs! Maybe one day I’ll make an article towards poetry next month!

If you do like to write then try out for the Media Team! Talk to Misch111 or guffyluca136 about joining!

bon appétit!

Written by: Honeysenpai – Article writer, edited by: guffyluca136 & Misch111

Coffee Lovers! Ice Cream Lovers! Snack Lovers! It’s our time to raid! Let this be the purge of Int when it comes to our favorite edibles :D. I have a strong addiction to coffee so I love the thought of having a cafe spot in out base!

Yes, I know that they’re pixels and that were pixels but let me live! For everyone who has a job in real life, do you have a coffee stop or cafe? For us young people who are in the middle of trying to get a job, Where do you want to work?

Thank you for making our little cafe guys! It’s really lovely ☺ For us to take a break and socialize without having to spam from the ftb section, a good idea.

Thanks for reading!

A sad Goodbye…

Sadly, Interpol has to say goodbye to our beloved elective Scott. We will forever be grateful for all of the contributions you have made towards Interpol. We wish you all the best!


Kelleyjamesmua: For this edition of Interscoop, I have created a knowledgement-quiz for you guys!

1: What is the 6th rule in Interpol

2: How many divisions are there?

3. Who doesn’t have to wear uniform?

4.  How many affair teams are there?

5. If you were currently Trial High Manager and was to buy ranks in coins up to IT Manager how much would it cost?

Get the correct answer and send your submission to Mischa#4541 or guffyluca136#8043 on discord. Everyone who gets the correct answers will be in a draw to win 4c. Good luck!

Z: Hello Iron_man! Thank you for letting me interview you today!

I: Of cause, good to be here!

Z: To begin with, what makes Interpol a fun place?

I: Interpol is fun for many reasons, Interpol is a very nice place to work at, and when the games are hosted that when the real fun happens, but it’s also fun because a lot of people are very friendly!

Z: That being said, do you think Interpol could improve in any form or way?

I: Interpol is perfect in anyway possible just need to be a lil bit strict in rules that mostly what they need to improve in!

Z: Awesome! What is your favorite song?

I: My fave song is called Sanguine Paradise by liluzi 

Z: Maybe we’ll get to hear it sometime 🙂 Why did you join Interpol?

I: My good friend SunFlowerKim2 introduced Habbo to me and told me to join interpol because it is a very good agency so big shout out to her ^•^

Z:  Where do you see yourself in a couple months in Interpol?

I: I see myself in a higher rank but not that high because you never know what might happen in the future.

Z: What is your favourite affairs team?

I: Events team is my favorite affair team!!

Z: Understandable XD What’s your favourite Movie?

I: My favorite movie is IT chapter 2 😛

Z: How can Interpol help you succeed?

I: Interpol can help by staying the way it is and only change a couple of things! 😛

Thanks to Iron_man123 for letting me Interview him for this of Interscoop!

With love, the Interpol Media Team <3

Honeysenpai, iWasIce, Kellyjamesmua, Kenzie, Zebizenette, guffyluca136, turkeyiscool & Misch111