Interscoop Edition 13

Header made by AddictionMaster

SS x INT Themed Event

On the 8th August, our ally Secret Service (SS) had a themed event with us here at Interpol. Over the course of the weekend we held games with a range of seasonal themes.

Our first event was Falling Furni and a second event of Balloon Game with the focus being on a Spring and a Summer style for both the rooms and our members. These first two events were hosted by the SS EA team at 10am EDT. Our third and fourth games were hosted by Interpol’s RU Team at 2pm EDT with the events being Grocery List and Fridge Races with the themes Autumn and Winter respectively.

The events went smoothly, and it helped form new friendships and create a closer bond between the two agencies. I spoke with Chana56201 about the game that she attended and this is what she had to say!

“I attended the Fridge Races game, I felt as though this went extremely well and there was a good turn out from both agencies and everyone was so eager to get involved and play the game! My favourite part about this is that not only is Fridge Races my favourite game, I love the energy that everyone had! I’d love to see more events like this as it is a great way to meet people that we otherwise might not get a chance to!”

For all those who wonder what badges our allies should receive don’t forget you can check this out on our website!

The requirements for our SS friends are as below! We look forward to many more events with SS.

SS – Alliance Badge For MOD 5iC and above as well as EA unit
SS- VIP Badge for Leadership and above.

Article made by Thedeadlyhost

New Alliance!

On the topic of alliances, Interpol is happy to announce the new alliance with SWAT! Make sure to welcome them and pay them a visit in their base. With this new alliance we hope to bring these two agencies closer together and we look forward to creating a very hopeful future together and forming many friendships with all of our members. The SWAT’s “Treaties” badge (owned by SWAT-Foundation) shall be given to personnel of Interpol who are ranked OOA and above. Please make sure to wear the badge if you are visiting!

Interview with Mia.Connor

1. Please introduce yourself

Hi, I’m Sofia and I’m from India!

2. What is your favourite thing about Interpol?

I would say my favourite thing about Interpol is that they conduct many games throughout the day.

3. Do you have a favourite memory at Interpol?

I’m new to INT so I haven’t faced such a memory.

4. What is something that you’d like to see changed in Interpol?

The promotion time, I have been active for over 2 days and not received a promotion.

5. When did you join Interpol and what made you want to join?

It’s been 2 weeks and I joined because of my friend.

6. Who is your friend?

My friend was Mr Sunny but he left 🙁

7. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to read books, draw on auto desk and listen to music.

8. Do you have any Shoutouts to make?

No 🙂

That’s all for this week’s edition folks! Please send your wordsearch submissions to 0ToxicLuna0 or thedeadlyhost! Look forward to our next edition!! – Media Team